Level: 1

Welcome to WordDrop

Spell as many words as you can using the falling letter tiles.

WordDrop Help

WordDrop is the original letter drop game where your vocabulary, reflexes and visual analysis skills are used to stimulate and exercise your mind while having fun.

The goal of WordDrop is to spell words from the letter tiles which are continuously dropping from the rack above. Each tile has a letter and number on it. Spell words either horizontally, from left to right, or vertically, from top to bottom. The number on each tile is how many points that particular letter is worth.

Once you have lined up tiles to spell one or more words, you'll need to press the spacebar to score the board. The tiles for words found are scored and removed from the board. Any tiles above sliding down into the empty space. Scoring is done by adding together the values of each tile of the word found along with any word or letter bonuses the word happened to be resting on.

WordDrop Controls

← / →Moves falling tile
Switch falling tile with next rack tile
Drop falling tile into place
<SPACEBAR>Scores the board and remove any word tiles
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PPause game
SShow score box
QQuit game

Game Over

Level 1


  • Letters